Tag Archives: spider

Biweekly Monster-Havalii, Spider Queen

“When massive spiders started to appear in the Grey Wood North o’ Ashura, hunters went forth ter find their nest and eradicate the growing infestation. The town had relief, for a time, but then the hunters closed in on the nest. … Continue reading

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Play Report-Invisible Doors

The party had discovered hidden access to the left side of the adamantite spider head at the face of the temple. After some attempts on Leo’s part to bore through to the right side with magic, and then subsequently hide … Continue reading

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The Carrion Canyon Treasure Room

As promised, here’s a description of the Carrion Canyon Treasure Room. One the party has tracked down the four elemental keys, they are able to open the door. What they find there is not pretty. The dwarves who built the … Continue reading

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Monster Monday-Giant Spider

The giant spider is a practically necessary foe when a party is traversing dank dungeons, dark caverns, or ruined cities.  Since a Master Weaver can justify these bugs creeping in just about anywhere, and since the web-using variety can transform … Continue reading

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