Tag Archives: tracking

Play Report: KotB/Barrier March, Session 63 (The Kobold Guide)

On November 7th, having passed a night in the corner of the dungeon hearing sounds of creatures spooked by their bells—including some shouting in Kelrian that their guards can’t translate, other than the profanity—and slaying giant rats assaulting their lines, … Continue reading

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Play Report: KotB/Barrier March, Session 62 (Chasing Dungeon Thieves)

After a week having Zaum train, studying spells from some of the scrolls taken on their last visit to Quasqueton, and rotating their troops from Dragon Hall for a return, the party travels back toward Heathenstone and Dark Castle under … Continue reading

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Play Report: KotB/Barrier March, Session 53 (Wolves and Dragons and Ogres, Oh My)

On August 13th, a party of adventurers sets out for Avenway, having heard that it was once at the crossroads of the road between Endsdell and Larkbridge and a road stretching north half a day to a settlement in the … Continue reading

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Play Report: KotB/Barrier March, Session 52 (Surprise Ogres)

On August 3rd, a party of adventurers sets out for Round Lake amid a drizzle, looking for find a gnome named Elbinare the Diviner who is famously capable of determining the magical content remaining in items such as wands. They … Continue reading

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Play Report: KotB/Barrier March, Session 51 (Sneaking Around the North)

On July 14th, a party suited for stealth sets out to get a closer look at the cracked cliff the bugbears watch over: They take the road to Heathenstone half a day north to where the bugbear crossing is marked … Continue reading

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Play Report: KotB/Barrier March, Session 50 (The Glistening Foothills)

On July 4th, the party that tracked the small bugbear camp east of the Evenflow sets out from their crossing to look for their main body in the west. Their starting point is half a day to the north of … Continue reading

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Play Report: KotB/Barrier March, Session 49 (The Bugbear Camp)

On June 23rd, a large party sets off from Larkbridge to Eastway looking for the bugbears whose scouts attacked Mel and Gil a week prior. With them they take a new companion, a poacher released by the Baron to help … Continue reading

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Play Report: KotB/Barrier March, Session 48 (Tent Trees and Bugbears)

On June 12th, the Larkbridge party meets with Mensk of House Agen’Thell to talk about following up on some of the things in Rist’s notes. Rist, who founded Eastway before being killed, documented many strange things that Mensk describes to … Continue reading

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Play Report: KotB/Barrier March, Session 47 (Walking About)

On May 28th, a portion the Larkbridge team decides to head up to Heathenstone to ask about some beings in bone armor with paralyzing beams said to be taking captives in the far north: Arriving in Heathenstone without incident, they … Continue reading

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Brightharbor: The Black Tabernacle

A year since the first session in Brightharbor, and we have some new faces on the team. We have maybe resolved to play more often for better continuity, but we finally played again, bringing in three new players. We pick … Continue reading

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