Tag Archives: spawn

Biweekly Monster-Coagulant and Blood Golemettes (AD&D)

CoagulantFREQUENCY: Very RareNO. APPEARING: 1-4ARMOR CLASS: 8 MOVE: 6″HIT DICE: 2% IN LAIR: NilTREASURE TYPE: NilNO. OF ATTACKS: 1DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-8SPECIAL ATTACKS: NilSPECIAL DEFENSES: Blood GolemsMAGIC RESISTANCE: See belowINTELLIGENCE: Non-ALIGNMENT: NeutralSIZE: MPSIONIC ABILITY: NilAttack/Defense Modes: Nil Coagulants are walking corpses with skin a deep, mottled … Continue reading

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Biweekly Monster-Mother of all Quippers

Mighty Fish. This massive quipper is easily 30 feet long and can only reside in large bodies of water, such as especially deep lakes, whether on the surface or in dungeon caverns, or in the ocean. Quipper Queens. At the … Continue reading

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