#Dungeon23 Garih Duzuli Weeks 49 to 52

The last Dungeon23 post covered the whole tower around the elevator up to the embarkation deck of the ark ship. This week, we’ll go through the rest of the year’s maps with as much of the ship as I could get to in 31 days.

The cross-section of the ship I started the year with. We’re finally here!

Rooms 335 to 348 (12-1 to 12-14): Utility Decks

The are five utility decks dividing the upper section of the ship where most of the ship’s work was done and where constructs continue to operate at their stations.

Room 335 (12-1): one of the embarkation airlocks and its supporting rooms.
a) Beyond an airlock double door, a corridor with 4 doors. I, II, and III are security level 1, IV security level 2.
b) Elevator, controlled by voice if on good terms with the computer.
c) Hidden elevator control, 4d6 roll under Intelligence to manipulate the elevator directly.
d) Embarkation briefing room.
e) EVA prep room with 4 air-providing suits of leather armor.

Room 336 (12-2): a corridor with construct operational support rooms.
a) Construct maintenance laboratory, repair construct (4 HD) assumes those entering are broken (security level 1).
b) Storage for construct parts and materials (security level 2).
c) Staging area for constructs. 8 constructs with 3-6 HD each and various special tools. -30% reaction to intruders. (security level 3)
d) Secondary construct command center that tracks their locations throughout the ship and with the computer’s help can wrest control from the primary command center (security level 3).

Room 337 (12-3): an intersection with more construct and space travel support.
a) an overturned treaded construct blocks the south passage, characters climbing over it must save versus wand not be toppled as it jerks. Failure by 6 or more: 1d6 damage from falling.
b) robotics library describing the functions and capabilities of the ship constructs and other theoretical aspects. The first 32 man-hours grant a 2% chance per hour of being able to identify ship constructs on sight, the next 16 man-hours only an additional 1% chance per hour, the next 20 man-hours half a percent per hour, and a quarter of a percent thereafter, thus requiring 108 man-hours to be sure to identify any encountered. (security level 1)
c) space travel, crystal spheres, and phlogiston library describing significant knowledge of the space between worlds. (security level 1)
d) construct laboratory with a 12 HD, 6′ tall battle construct. (security level 3)
e) laboratory with stored phlogiston and crystal sphere shavings. (security level 3)

Room 338 (12-4): the corridor continues through a food service area.
a) kitchen with a grilling construct (3 HD) and two small dicing constructs (1 HD) (security level 0)
b) dish room with silver dishes weighing 500# and worth 2.5k GP (security level 0)
c) a cafeteria area (security level 0)

Room 339 (12-5): a corridor with security scrying and other information about conditions elsewhere.
a) a room with 8 scrying panels each showing a nearby intersection live. (security level 4)
b) secondary life support control center with monitory of ship-wide conditions and with the computer’s help can wrest control from the primary control center. (security level 2)
c) Garden Management HQ with extensive data and coordination data for the gardens as well as vermin tracking that warns of the hundreds of giant rats that swarm the overgrown gardens. (security level 1)

Room 340 (12-6): another intersection surrounded with gardening support facilities.
a) roll a wandering monster check whenever this intersection is crossed if more than 5 minutes have passed.
b) security station with 4 security constructs (4 HD each)
c) storage for locally used materials in bulk
d) gardening library with extensive knowledge of improving small crop yields
e) gardening research laboratory that once held many experiments but is now overrun with a 5 points per die choke creeper (125 hit points)

Room 341 (12-7): another intersection with rooms for rock samples and fertilizer with a supporting sanitation station, as well as a gym to support training efforts.
a) a hole dropping 50 feet into pasture area 12-15 below
b) sanitation chamber, door closes automatically if not obstructed for 2 segments. Hot water sprays, extinguishing flames and soaking all within the room
c) gymnasium for weight training; each of the dozen machines inside has a 1 in 4 chance of malfunctioning if used (detectable as a trap) dealing 2d6 damage
d) laboratory with samples taken from extraplanetary rocks
e) fertilizer research laboratory smells as one would expect; dozens of sample beds each with a 1 in 20 chance of conferring an infection to anyone handling them

Room 342 (12-8): the central elevator of the ship with rooms supporting receiving visitors as well as ship sally efforts and training. The Computer uses these facilities to attempt to entrap intruders .
a) an elevator that goes to every level from this lowest utility deck to the bridge at the very top of the ship
b) at this central location, the Computer will confront intruders and urge them to wait at (c)
c) waiting room with dozens of comfortable chairs; hypnotic pattern walls with a capacity of 120 levels keeps visitors passive indefinitely
d) briefing room complete with holographic projections to demonstrate points
e) military history library of the dwarven home world; a month spent studying here confers a commanding presence with an expanded command radius and +5% morale to units within that radius
f) ready room for the laser tag arena through the door

Room 343 (12-9): a baffler confuses this corridor full of training facilities.
a) control and coordination room for (b)
b) holographic combat training room where an illusion of a dozen delbians immediately attacks
c) auditorium with 96 seats, a podium, and great acoustics
d) a baffler confuses movement in these halls
e) computer security annex with 3 security constructs (4 HD each)
f) armory with 3 wands of magic missile
g) computer administration office contains a 2 HD secretary construct that receives Computer complaints
h) computer scheduling office where a 2 HD secretary construct evaluates requests for Computer resources

Room 344 (12-10): just outside the main entrance to the Computer room where there is support for the Computer and the computer defends the entrance.
a) the doors to the computer room (12-11) are protected by the Computer hologram (AC 5, a hit causes to disappear for 1-3 minutes) which can cast lightning bolt as a level 14 mage
b) computer status monitoring station with dozens of complicated indicators of the Computer’s status; extensive study might reveal that the Computer’s status is erratic and constantly highly active, as the Computer has gone mad
c) research laboratory using significant resources from the computer to run simulations; the door leads to a holographic visualization room to experience data over time and in three dimensions

Room 345 (12-11): the 40′ diameter sphere in the pedestal at the center of this large chamber is the focus of the Computer’s consciousness and control. The Computer therefore defends this room vigourously. Here it produces 8 holograms, some on the level above, and each capable of casting a lightning bolt as a 14th level mage once per round. If one is struck, it is dispelled for 1-3 rounds before reappearing. The holograms have an AC of 5.
The Computer’s defense of the room can only be stopped by departing it (even if on very good terms with the Computer, it wants no visitors here), destroying the central sphere (AC 4, 240 hit points) which disables all ship functions controlled by the Computer, or reprogramming the Computer (using one of many control stations, rolling 5d4 against intelligence each round, each success gathering a point and each failure losing 2 points, the computer is programmed once 6 points are gathered), which makes the Computer cooperative thereafter.

Room 346 (12-12): the upper level of the computer room.

Room 347 (12-13): the primary medibay of the ship, there are 13 medical constructs (2 HD and healing) that frequent the area
a) 2 HD reception constructs greet those entering
b) Recovery rooms
c) large surgery theater for triage of as many patients as needed
d) preparation room for surgery
e) operating theaters
f) small operating theater
g) closets with supplies for local rooms
h) wandering monster check
i) elevator down to 12-8 and up to levels above including 12-21 and decks above

Room 348 (12-14): a corridor with cargo elevators and stairs down to the vast agricultural decks below
a) cargo elevators descending through 12-15 through 12-20. They can be manually operated with a total of 60 strength, although it can be operated by the Computer
b) livestock library with extensive information about raising rothe and other animals
c) immortal rothe cow with milking equipment. Its milk functions as a potion of super-strength
d) elevator repair storage

Rooms 349 to 355 (12-15 to 12-20): Agricultural Decks

The ship had capacity to produce a great deal of food with pastures, grain fields, vegetable gardens, and fruit groves. They are in disarray, although constructs keep them operating to some extent.

Room 349 (12-15): ship-board cattle pastures. There are 5 such decks of 30 acres or so each which are carpeted with extra-nutritious grass sustaining a herd of 300 rothe. Herdsman constructs (3 HD) visit every 3 days to push them to a less-used level. The constructs rarely interfere with the pack of 16 wild dogs that hunt stragglers in the herd and cull their numbers.
a) elevators connecting to the 12-16 and 12-17 pasture decks, the 12-18 fields, 12-19 groves, and 12-20 gardens, as well as the lowest utility level above near the airlocks (12-1 as an example).
b) cargo elevators connecting to 12-14 above and 12-16 to 12-19 below.
c) stairs climbing to 12-14 and descending to 12-16a.
d) grassy ramps descending to 12-16a below.

Room 350 (12-16): the three middle of the 5 pasture decks are identical (except for gradual widening) with downward ramps and upward ramps super-imposed.
a) elevators 12-16a, b, and c to 12-15, 12-17 through 12-20, and embarkation deck (for example 12-1).
b) grassy ramps up to the pasture deck above, 12-16a to 12-15, 12-16b to 12-16a, 12-16c to 12-16b.
c) grassy ramps down to the pasture deck below, 12-16a to 12-16b, 12-16b to 12-16c, 121-16c to 12-17.
d) cargo elevators connecting 12-14 through 12-19.
e) stairs connecting both above and below, 12-16a to 12-15 and 12-16b, 12-16b to 12-16a and 12-16c, and 12-16c to 12-16b and 12-17.

Room 351 (12-17): the bottom of five pasture decks with only upward ramps. It is the largest at about 33 acres.
a) elevators connecting 12-15 through 12-20 as well as the lower utility deck air locks, as at 12-1.
b) Grassy ramps climbing to pasture deck 12-16c.
c) stairway ascending to 12-16c 50; above.
d) stairway descending to 12-18a grain field 20′ below.
e) Cargo elevators to above and below (12-14 through 12-19), 35′ x 35′.

Room 352 (12-18): five decks of grain fields of 33 acres or so each are overgrown with grain descendants 6 feet tall. They are hunted by a pack of 9 phase lions evolved from the cats that once kept vermin under control here.
a) elevators to 12-15 through 12-20, as well as near airlocks on the lower utility deck, such as at 12-1.
b) stairs connecting to grain fields above and below as well as to 12-17 above the top field and 12-19 below the bottom field.
c) cargo elevators to above and below (12-14 through 12-19), 35’x35′.
d) as B, but not connected to 12-17 above.
e) as B, but not connected to 12-17 above and connected to 12-20 below rather than 12-19.

Room 353 (12-19): two levels of fruit groves each 50 feet high, they are completely overgrown and the two decks are crisscrossed with many stairways and gantries. The wild trees are occupied by 24 su-monsters. Below it is the spherical upper dome of the ship power plant (contour lines shown).
a) elevators to 12-15 through 12-20, as well as the lower utility deck near air locks (such as 12-1).
b) stairs leading up to 12-18.
c) cargo elevators up to 12-14 through 12-18.

Room 354 (12-20): the ship’s hanging gardens (40 10-foot decks, 5 above the 0′ floor, 10 above the -50′ floor, and so on) are overgrown and infested with 800 giant rats.
a) elevators to 12-15 through 12-20 as well as the bottom utility deck near airlocks, such as 12-1.
b) stairs up to 12-18’s lowest deck from 12-20’s highest deck.
c) secret doors into the upper 12-19 grove level are hidden every 100′.

Rooms 355 and 356 (12-21 and 12-22): Crew Deck

There are 95 crew decks, all largely similar, with a few recreation areas and a a fair number of restrooms among the many dormitories.

Room 355 (12-21): the central area of one of the 95 nearly identical crew quarter decks in the central cylinder of the ship.
a) each bunk room has two beds and sparse personal belongings, as the crew intentionally moved out.
b) a recreation room is on every fourth deck in this location. Most decks there are instead restrooms mirror the other side here.
c) restrooms with toilet, sink, and shower
d) hidden sanitation maintenance space
e) Ladder to move between crew decks without the elevator
f) elevator serving all decks from the bottom utility deck to the bridge (over 100 decks altogether); is is controlled by the Computer

Room 356 (12-22): a portion of the outer part of the cylinder on the 95 crew decks surrounding the central section shown in 12-21. The left and right wings not shown differ by having restrooms. Each of the four main directions feature exits to the parks through which most crew would travel to their various stations on the utility decks below.
a) each bunk room has two beds and sparse personal belongings, as the crew intentionally moved out.
b) ladder to move between crew decks without the elevator

Rooms 357 to 359 (12-23 to 12-25): Garden Donut

The 95 crew decks are surrounded with a large park area for walks and other leisure activities, as well as a more casual route to work stations in the utility decks. The full park “donut” has a 600′ outer radius at the bottom and narrows to a point at the top nearly 900′ up, having an inner radius of 180′ throughout. It is full of streams, shallow stairs, gently sloping paths, trees, hedges, fountains, ponds, etc. Subtle throughout the bottom floor are stairs down into the utility decks below.

Room 357 (12-23): a small section of the park “donut” surrounding the column of crew quarters. Bridges and shallow stairs like these are common along the walking paths.

Room 358 (12-24): a pond of water cascading into the stream below that is recycled from the end of the stream to fall through many of the park decks above and return here. It is home to a vodganoi whose treasure hidden in the algae of the pond is 10k GP, 1,700 PP, 15 gems, +2 plate mail, +1 scale mail, a +2 dagger with +3 again large creatures, a periapt of foul rotting, and a scroll of protection from devils.

Room 359 (12-25): one of many secreted park maintenance sheds spread throughout the park donut where 2d4 groundskeeper robots are resting among tools and puddles.

Rooms 360 and 361 (12-26 and 12-27): Recreation Decks

The five decks between the crew quarters and the officer quarters are configured for recreation.

Room 360 (12-26): The lowest recreation deck, directly above the standard crew quarters. It has a wide variety of physical activities.
a) a large ball court for a dwarven game with two deflated balls of some animal skin
b) a climbing wall with six bells at the top; the climbing grips withdraw, conferring a -20% to climb wall checks to climb quickly enough to ring them all in short succession, which puts the successful character in a leader board displayed near the elevator; it also means the Computer recognizes him as a part of the crew
c) Axe throwing lanes
d) Treadmills
e) Lifting machines and free weights
f) Wrestling rings, 4 6-HD grapple constructs of dwarf size and weighing 600#
g) punching bags, both speed bags and full length bags
h) stair climbing machines
i) elevator connecting all decks above 12-8, including 12-13 and the three utility decks between them, 12-21 and the 94 crew decks above it, and 12-26 through 12-31, plus other recreation and another officer deck.

Room 361 (12-27): a full recreation deck (the one above 12-26) dedicated to a court for a large team sport. Once 12 living creatures enter the deck, the wall of force activates and ball dispensers start deploying balls, one per round, at high speed (roll 1d20, 1-12 hitting one of the creatures, 12-20 ricocheting harmlessly off the walls, if a creature is hit, roll an attack as a 13th level fighter for 2-5 damage). The wall of force doesn’t drop until one goal or the other has been scored in 21 times.
a) elevator connecting all decks above 12-8, including 12-13 and the three utility decks between them, 12-21 and the 94 crew decks above it, and 12-26 through 12-31, plus other recreation and another officer deck
b) ball dispensers
c) goals that receive balls and feed them back into the dispenser hoppers
d) wall of force location

Rooms 362 to 364 (12-28 to 12-30): Officer Quarters

There are five decks dedicated to officer quarters.

Room 362 (12-28): the middle officer quarter deck is very similar to the two decks below it, but with the smallest rooms and fewest restrooms of the three, although the decks below are shared quarters.
a) elevator connecting all decks above 12-8, including 12-13 and the three utility decks between them, 12-21 and the 94 crew decks above it, and 12-26 through 12-31, plus other recreation and another officer deck
b) 15 individual quarters for officers; like other crew quarters, they were cleared when the ship was emptied in the new world, but each has a 1 in 20 chance of harboring a ghost
c) restrooms with toilet, sink, and shower

Room 363 (12-29): the second highest officer deck was home to the most vital officers of the ship, including eight vital officers and the two closest advisors to captain.
a) elevator connecting all decks above 12-8, including 12-13 and the three utility decks between them, 12-21 and the 94 crew decks above it, and 12-26 through 12-31, plus other recreation and officer decks
b) the hall outside the rooms is overgrown with octarine mold (appears greyish to non-magic-users but a purplish green to magic-users)
c) 8 officer quarters, each of which has a 1 in 4 chance of having a potion of energy
d) 2 larger quarters for advisors to the captain
e) dedicated advisor restrooms with octarine mold growing in them
f) deck restrooms which are the source of the octarine mold
g) secret restroom maintenance access where the restrooms can be flushed to prevent regrowth of the mold if it is eradicated elsewhere; it is full of mold as well as a nest of 42 arcano-explosive beetles

Octarine Mold
AC 10
Move 0″
Special Attack/Defense: Magic-user spells cast near it causes it to suddenly expand filling an additional 5′ square per level of the spell. The spell fails and 1d4-1 spell slots of the same level (50%) or adjacent levels (25% higher, 25% lower) are also lost. If disturbed physically, spores fill the air and if breathed remain with the host for 3d8 days. If the host is the recipient of a spell or drinks a potion, the mold flowers causing 1d12 damage per level of the spell (potions considered 5th level). Can be killed with lye using one fluid ounce per square foot. Octarine mold is rare, and when it does grow successfully, it is on sources of refuse from creatures that have ingested magical materials, like potions. Once it has taken root, if the arcane refuse is consumed, it stops growing and goes dormant, feeding on latent arcane energy to survive.

Potion of Energy: additional 4 hours of labor before fatigue effects.

Arcano-Explosive Beetles
AC 8
Move 6″
HD: 1 hit point
Special: Spells cast within 5′ cause 2d6 explosion within 10′

Room 364 (12-30): the deck directly below the bridge with large quarters for the Captain and his Lieutenant.
a) elevator connecting all decks above 12-8, including 12-13 and the three utility decks between them, 12-21 and the 94 crew decks above it, and 12-26 through 12-31, plus other recreation and officer decks
b) the Captain’s quarters are accessible only by the captain; it still has decorations with 40k GP and weighing 200#
c) the Lieutenant’s quarters where his pet rock was left and has grown into an 8′ long rock reptile
d) the Lieutenant’s restroom where their is a vial of beard oil of charisma with 12 uses
e) the Captain’s restroom which has a shower that when used prevents contracting disease from activities in the last 24 hours

Beard Oil of Charisma grants the user (provided they have a beard) +4 charisma for dealing with dwarves and +2 charisma toward other races for 24 hours

Room 365 (12-31): The Bridge

The Computer immediately manifests it illusory image and tries to persuade visitors to sit in the Captain’s chair.

a) elevator connecting all decks above 12-8, including 12-13 and the three utility decks between them, 12-21 and the 94 crew decks above it, and 12-26 through 12-31, plus other recreation and officer decks
b) the Captian’s chair. Anyone sitting in the chair must make a system shock check or die. If he survives, a roll under wisdom check is made and if successful, he becomes the new Captain with the Computer under his command until his death. Failure on the roll against wisdom is final with no retries possible short of a wish spell, though those who die before reaching the wisdom roll can still try again if restored to life.
c) 13 control stations that can configured by the captain to control various ship functions including Security, Power, Navigation, Weapons, Detection, and Medical, among others.

Thanks to the Clerics Wear Ringmail discord for all of their support in this endeavor.

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