Play Report: KotB/Barrier March, Session 77 (Kobolds at the Buried Tower)

On March 12th, with Kilterson returned from another walk around, the new party hosted at Dragon Manor is in Larkbridge ready to set out toward Warded Cross to deal with the kobolds Kilterson was told about foraging berries to their south.

  • Kilterson (MaC): Level 2 Human Druid
    • Meddle, Level 1 Halfling Scoundrel
  • Rimuru (HuS): Level 1 Human Fighter
  • Ingrid Corvinsdatter (MaD): Level 1 Human Barbarian

On the 12th, having purchased their desired equipment, they are kept in Larkbridge by the crescendo of a snow storm that has persisted the last few days, but on the 13th they are ready to set out to Warded Cross, arriving a little after noon having seen no one on the road.

The people of Warded Cross haven’t seen any kobolds, but they have not returned to the berry patch where they were seen, either. The party sets out to take a look, expecting to still have time to return to the village before dark if needed.

At the berry patch, they see no sign that the kobolds have returned since the snow the day before. They continue toward the buried tower where Kilterson saw the kobolds and looking down on it from the crest of a hill see a couple of kobolds on watch and tracks in the snow coming and going four directions. They loop down to the eastern track Kilterson had previously followed and count 10 kobolds in the group going that way.

They return to the hill and settle in to watch through the night for kobold activity, but the night passes without kobolds going out on any patrol. In the morning, they can see five kobolds watching at the tower. They decide to attack them at range, sending Meddle down to get closer and give the sign.

Meddle is spotted, though, and when Ingrid and Rimuru see the sign and emerge to take shots, the kobolds immediately move into cover. With none of their darts and arrows landing as the kobolds cower in the tower, they wonder where they kobolds have gone and consider withdrawing for a return later, but Ingrid notices numbers of kobolds building up in the tower and some starting to peek out around the sides, apparently having deployed out the back.

The kobolds charge, nearly 20 of them. The party’s darts and arrows do little to respond to the charge, but Kilterson finishes casting entangle and they are all stopped before they can reach melee, except for one, which tries to flee back to the tower while the others call for reinforcements.

Meddle manages to dart down the fleeing kobold and the rest close to pick off the kobolds with spears outreaching their weapons (except for Ingrid, who takes a hit when she gets too close with her scimitar). Kilterson charms the apparent leader of the sally force and they gather their darts and arrows (finding half). A kobold responding to the calls for help from below sees them, but returns below, presumably to warn the others.

Using a story of a kobold king and the green dragon, they seek an assessment of the kobold assets form the charmed leader. They learn there is a chief and 40 or so more warriors in addition to females, children, and eggs. He also tells them about giant bugs and some ogres underground that the kobold king could help them with to make hunting in the underground easier.

They decide they can push into the tower today and try to root out the kobolds completely and prepare to do so.

Unfortunately, the night was already late at this point, but we’ll pick this up again on Saturday and see what’s waiting for them inside.

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1 Response to Play Report: KotB/Barrier March, Session 77 (Kobolds at the Buried Tower)

  1. Pingback: Play Report: KotB/Barrier March, Session 78 (Rooting Out Ogres) | Mind Weave Role-Playing Platform

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