Tag Archives: burial mound

Play Report: KotB/Barrier March, Session 45 (Ants, Pegasii, and Kobolds)

On April 25th, with Mel and Altlan having finished their training and Gillican having finished studying his new spells, the party makes its way in fair weather up to Heathenstone to descend into the lower levels of the tomb: Their … Continue reading

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Play Report: Keep on the Borderlands, Session 18 (Barbarian Magics)

On July 12th, Krazer joins Silbern to investigate a supposedly haunted burial mound left by the barbarians who previously inhabited the area of Heathenstone: Silbern (TrS): Level 3 Human Cleric of Roil Krazer Krane (JoJ): Level 2 Human Fighter The … Continue reading

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